Career Development and Education Support


Views on Careers

Qualified Counselors Support Employees.

Specialize in a Single Field and Aim to Become a Specialist

e.g. System Engineer

Programmer / Operator

In addition to handling tasks, you will also be responsible for various proposals and mentoring junior staff.

Sub Leader
System Engineer

While performing design tasks as an SE, you will also be responsible for guiding programmers and nurturing their skills.

System Engineer

In charge of requirement definition, overall progress management, and mentoring junior staff.

ERP Consultant

Utilize your SE knowledge to support companies in improving business efficiency.

Expand Your Job Opportunities by Gaining Experience in Various Fields and Becoming a Generalist

e.g. from Programmer/Operator to Project Manager

System Engineer

Development of web applications and core systems as an SE.

Sub Leader
Network Engineer

Skill change through training and education. Network construction, maintenance, operation, etc.

Network Engineer

Overall network design, equipment selection, network construction, etc.

Project Manager

Project management, training of successors, consulting, etc. as a manager.


To meet the increasing demands of customers and solve various challenges, it is essential to proactively absorb skills and grow.
TechnoPro IT supports the growth of each employee as a "highly valued professional" by backing self-improvement, qualification acquisition, and career design.

TechnoPro Learning


Win School

WinSchool is TechnoPro Group's IT school, operating nationwide from Hokkaido to Kagoshima. We support you in realizing your desired skill improvement plan with a course system that matches your lifestyle and purpose.

Word/Excel/PC-related Qualifications

Win School is dedicated to getting its students to "pass at the first attempt," ensuring that you pass exams with a single try. With individual lessons that do not use videos or on-demand materials, instructors focus on improving your weak points and teaching exam strategies. You can obtain qualifications in as little as one week and gain skills applicable to work in just three days.

•Softwares / Skills you can Learn

Excel / Word / PowerPoint / Access / Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) / Macro & VBA / Excel Business Data Analysis / RPA Task Automation

Programming / Network

The demand for engineers is high in the IT industry, including tasks such as programming control programs for in-house business systems and electronic devices, and server and network construction and management. With WinSchool's individual lessons using actual equipment, you can acquire practical skills that make you an immediate asset.

•Softwares / Skills you can Learn

Java programming / Java certification (OCJP) preparation / WEB system development (Spring) / Database / C language programming / Embedded system development / ETEC qualification preparation / Network construction basics / CCNA qualification preparation / Linux server construction / LPIC qualification preparation

AI / IoT / Cloud / Smartphone Apps

The IT industry has a significant demand for engineers skilled in artificial intelligence (AI), IoT device control systems, Node.js operating on cloud servers, and React.js for web application development. With WinSchool's individual lessons, you can acquire practical skills that make you an immediate asset.

•Softwares / Skills you can Learn

Python programming / AI programming practice / Python data analysis / IoT system development practice / JavaScript / Web application development (React.js) / C# programming / Smartphone application development practice (React Native) / Node.js / Cloud system construction / AWS basic training / Preparation for AWS Solutions Architect Qualification

Digital Transformation (DX)

DX requires companies to revolutionize their conventional systems, leading to transformative changes in business improvements, productivity enhancements, and competitiveness. WinSchool offers instruction for nurturing "DX personnel," who can innovate with IT skills and create new business models.

•Softwares / Skills you can Learn

Excel business data analysis / Excel / Excel macro, VBA / Access macro, VBA / RPA task automation (BizRobo!) / PowerPoint


We provide a wide range of e-learning menus compatible with smartphones, allowing you to efficiently learn anytime, anywhere, and in any environment. Here are some examples of training you can actually take:

Strategy / Marketing
  • Management Strategy
  • Strategic Marketing
  • English Conversation
  • Chinese for Business
PC Utilization Skills
  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
Finance / Accounting
Problem Solving
  • Logical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Conflict Management
Career Developmen
Business Basics/Manners
Harassment Prevention
Labor Management
/ Compliance

Various Support Systems

While working in the same place for an extended period, you may encounter various issues and concerns beyond skills. TechnoPro IT Company supports each employee's future through creating an environment where they can work with peace of mind.

Career Development Adviser (CDA) System

TechnoPro IT Company aims to integrate "Engineers' Career Plans" with "Business Expansion" at a high level and has implemented the CDA (Career Design & Advance) system. Through this system, technical staff members gain a deep understanding of the company's business plans and cultivate a culture where each individual performs their duties with a clear sense of purpose.

CDA is, therefore, an essential system in guiding technical staff members' career paths. Before joining, candidates undergo introductory training conducted by specialist instructors to assess their suitability in ethical behavior, fair and objective judgment, understanding of personal limitations, and information protection. After joining, they follow the eight-point code of conduct, and through follow-up and step-up training, they continually improve their knowledge and skills as CDAs.

Various Subsidy Programs

  • Subsidy for Distance Learning
  • Subsidy for Purchasing Technical Books
  • Subsidy for Qualification Exams
  • Subsidy for Internal and External Training

Operation of "Suggestion Box"

The suggestion box is a system that gathers opinions and ideas from employees across all areas, based on the belief that employee ideas are valuable assets to the company. It is open for submissions at all times, and outstanding contributors are recognized during significant company events. Many initiatives have been launched based on ideas from the suggestion box.

Robust Internal Consultation Structure to Maximize Individual Performance

Qualified Counselors
Support Employees.

At TechnoPro Group, we have established consultation services for "Mental Health" and "Harassment" to ensure that each employee approaches their tasks with vitality and can maximize their performance.
Qualified professionals with specialized knowledge and experience are available to address concerns, providing support and guidance to identify solutions or ways to alleviate stress before issues become significant.

•TechnoPro Group Mental Health Consultation Navigation:

Our team of qualified counselors consists of Mental Health Welfare Specialists, Industrial Counselors, Psychological Counselors, Career Consultants, and others.

•TechnoPro Group Harassment Consultation Desk:

Our consultants hold qualifications in preventing Sexual Harassment and Power Harassment, and are also experienced Industrial Counselors, Psychological Counselors, and more.

Consultants Understand Challenges of Technological Industry faced by Engineers

We deploy counselors who are well-versed in the technical industry and familiar with the business models of our group (dispatch, subcontracting, outsourcing, etc.). They can adeptly handle unique challenges that are often faced within our company, such as difficulties in communicating with superiors at assigned locations, troubles in interpersonal relationships within project teams, and concerns arising from policy differences between the dispatching company and the place of assignment.

Problem Solving Support in Cooperation with Related Internal Departments and External Experts

A vital role of our consultation service is to establish connections with relevant internal departments or external specialists, addressing concerns before they escalate. By securing various points of contact, the consultation service widens the range of options for issue resolution. Moreover, they support employees in proactively selecting solutions.

Fostering an Organizational Culture Where it is Easy to Seek Consultation

We recognize that it takes courage for employees facing challenges to seek consultation on their own, and sometimes, they may not even be aware of their own issues. At TechnoPro Group, we conduct regular mental health and self-care training for employees, as well as mental health and line care training for managers and supervisors. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about the importance of early recognition and create an atmosphere where employees can comfortably seek guidance.

TechnoPro IT in Numbers

Rate of Paid Holidays Acquisition
(June 2023 period)
Number of Client Companies
Over 800clients
(June 2023 period)
Average Overtime Hours
(June 2023 period)
Annual Total Number of Training Participants
Win School
(Group training)
8,274 participants
Win School
(Individual course)
(June 2023 period)
Number of Locations (June 2023 period)
including Head Office